Workplace Giving

Many companies not only encourage their employees to give to and volunteer time to nonprofits in their communities, but also will match those efforts with dollars and other means of support. Workplace giving contributes an estimated $5 billion to U.S. charities each year. So if your board members, volunteers or supporters work for companies with a workplace giving program, it can be an additional source of funding. But note that a nonprofit’s access to these programs often must be initiated by an employee.

Workplace giving programs can be set up in a variety of ways. Some of the more popular workplace giving programs offered by corporations are:

Employee Matching Gifts are donations an employer makes to match its employees’ charitable contributions. Usually associated with corporate grantmakers, employee matching gifts often are dollar-for-dollar, but some companies will give double or even triple the original donation. Some may also give matching gifts for employees’ volunteer efforts.

Guidelines and amounts vary with each company. Typically, individuals must submit forms to their employers. They usually can get more information about their matching gift benefits from their human resources department.

To find companies that match their employees’ gifts, Click here to review a current list of companies that match employee donations. However, since this list is not exhaustive nor provides details on how to apply for a matching gift donation, please reach out to your employer for details.

Annual Giving Campaigns also use payroll deduction to funnel donations to charities, but these take place at certain times of year.

United Way: Peter’s Place is a United Way Donor Choice Agency. Sign up for workplace giving and donations come right out of your paycheck monthly so you can easily contribute to our center. To designate Peter’s Place as the beneficiary of your United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey gift, indicate Donor Choice #14576. For other United Way agencies, write in “Peter’s Place, 336 King of Prussia Road, Radnor, PA 19087.”

Volunteer Support Programs can take various forms. Also known as individual volunteer grants, these programs essentially reward employees who take time to donate their time to a nonprofit. For instance, a company might offer a $250 stipend to a nonprofit for every 15 hours that an employee volunteers there.

Some companies will also help groups of employees organize for various nonprofit projects, for example, making calls to fundraise for public television or building a house for Habitat for Humanity. A corporate donation to the nonprofit often accompanies these “team building” efforts.

Donations through Payroll Deductions can also be set up for employees who wish to effortlessly donate to a worthy cause. However, companies usually limit the type of nonprofit to which their employees can contribute.


For additional information regarding processing a company match or donating to Peter’s Place, please contact Trish Corvo, Development Manager, at or 610.687-5150 ext 4.

Peter’s Place is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization – contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law. The official registration and financial information of Peter’s Place may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.